Slujba a fost oficiata de :IPS Vlasie, alaturi de un sobor de episcopi, preoti si diaconi.
Episcopi: PS Ambrozie, PS Demosten, PS Ghenadie, PS Sofronie, PS Teodosie, PS Iosif, PS Flavian, PS Antonie, PS Glicherie, PS Dionisie, PS Evloghie
Diaconi: Pr. Romano (Slatioara), Pr Glicherie (Cucova), Pr Hrisostom (Cucova), Pr Lavrentie (Cotargasi), Pr Glicherie (Bucuresti), Pr Lucian Onofrei
Alex Alexandru
Alex Alexandru
The love of the Christ constrains us
2 Corinteni 5:14
The love of the Christ constrains us
2 Corinteni 5:14